The Cholas will make a comeback in Mani Ratnam's upcoming movie "Ponniyin Selvan 2," which will continue the tale of the ancient empire. trisha krishnan will reprise her role as Kundavai, for which she received widespread acclaim. trisha recently discussed the inspiration for her portrayal of the Chola princess in an interview.

Trisha claimed in an interview with Film Companion that director mani ratnam had requested her to draw inspiration from the late chief minister of tamil Nadu, J Jayalalithaa. The actor discussed her role and revealed that mani ratnam advised her to stop playing trisha and focus on jayalalithaa instead. She claimed that she was inspired by the chief minister of tamil Nadu's persona and the films she had grown up watching. Kundavai, according to trisha, did not allow her feelings to surface.

Trisha added that she found it helpful to view her old speeches, videos, and films. She added that jayalalithaa was "always the queen" and concurred with karthi when he remarked that the former cm could be felt to be in charge at all times.
 The movie "Ponniyin Selvan" is a translation of Kalki's well-known tamil book of the same name, which tells a made-up story about the Chola kingdom.

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