Today is the actor Vijay Deverakonda's birthday. The first track from his upcoming movie Kushi, Na Roja Nuvve has been released in honour of the event. With Hesham's cool and carefree vocals, the song has a nice and calming melody. He earlier contributed to the malayalam film Hridayam and has brought that energy to kushi at this time. The song expresses the affection that Vijay, the main character, has for Samantha, his love interest. The filmmaker siva nirvana himself wrote the lyrics and choreographed the music video.

The poetic video's graphics are extremely appealing to the eye. It's enjoyable to observe Vijay and Sam's sweet chemistry against the backdrop of Kashmir. Though it could take some time for listeners to warm up to the song, it has a good appeal due to its originality. With more listens, it will get better.

Additionally, Mani Ratnam's film titles, including Geethanjali, Ok Bangaram, Roja, and others, are frequently used, which is another bold assertion given that the latter is a maestro of love dramas. Has kushi been on the same lines and drawn inspiration from the same sources? siva nirvana is the director of the love story Kushi, which stars Vijay and Sam. The movie is being released on september 1st and is being funded by Mythri movie Makers.

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