In the forthcoming movie Malli Pelli, the lead actors are naresh and Pavitra Lokesh. mali Pelli, which is expected to be a family-friendly comedy with an intriguing plot and is being directed by ms raju and produced by naresh under his vijaya krishna Movies label, is scheduled for release on May 26. The movie also has some lip locks and intimate scenes between the lead pair.

The theatrical trailer was published today by the filmmakers. naresh, a telugu actor, and Pavitra lokesh, a kannada actress, discover love again after being unsatisfied with their life partners. While Vanitha Vijaykumar, Naresh's wife, believes it to be true love, naresh and Pavitra disagree. Vanitha discloses information about her husband's liaison with the kannada celebrity to the media. The main conflict of the novel is how this love story ends.

The plot is undoubtedly strengthened when two talented performers are present. In their separate parts, naresh and lokesh -Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>pavitra lokesh excel. The emotions are accurate, and ms raju deserves praise for his valiant effort. The camera was turned up by MN Bal Reddy, and Aruldev's BGM is a huge plus. The movie's trailer raises expectations and guarantees that a family audience will find it to be very appealing.

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