It has been announced that Sreeleela would star as Chitra in the forthcoming movie PVT04. The film, which was made by sithara Entertainments and Fortune Four Cinemas, has Panja Vaisshnav Tej in the lead role. PVT04, which is being directed by srikanth N Reddy, is anticipated to be a high-octane mass action comedy.
Additionally added to the cast are Joju George and aparna Das, whose dynamic character posters have drawn praise. The soundtrack for the movie was composed by gv prakash Kumar, who is well-known for his work on films that have won National Awards. To pique viewer interest, an action sneak peek will shortly be provided. The film's editor is Navin Nooli, while AS Prakash is its art director. Keep checking for additional information about PVT04.

Some of the netizens made vulgar comments and asked sree Leela to wear a bra in the chudi as her inner assets were popping out and the instagram was flooded with such comments. The setting for the film is opulent. The filmmakers naga Vamsi and Sai Soujanya are doing all in their power to give theatregoers the finest possible moviegoing experiences. The film is being directed by srikanth N Reddy, a debutante.

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