Intimate sequences starring varun dhawan and samantha Ruth Prabhu are reportedly going to be filmed for their new television series Citadel India. For Citadel, samantha and varun are working together for the first time. The indian portion of the global series starring priyanka chopra and richard Madden is presently in production and is being directed by the team of The Family Man, Raj & DK. Although nothing is known about the plot, a recent source states that Citadel india would also have lip-lock moments.

Samantha reportedly consented to film sequences in which she would be seen kissing varun dhawan, according to a Dinamalar story in Tamil. According to the story, samantha and Varun's Citadel india would also have these private moments, much like the current version, which has heated bedroom scenes between priyanka and Richard. The accusations were unconfirmed at the time of publication by a leading news channel. The producers have yet to respond to the news as well.

Samantha has meantime stated that the show is not a rehash of Priyanka's Citadel. samantha was recently questioned by a fan if the series is a translation of the english program. “@samantharuthprabhuoffl I have a question: Are the stories of your Citadel and Priyanka's Citadel the same? Why do I want to know if priyanka is dubbed in every indian tongue? Therefore, many people would have already seen it if you were to adopt the same tale for indian viewers. I'm a little perplexed. Can you explain if it is the same or different? Happy birthday, sweetheart, by the way. Godspeed, one of the admirers remarked in the comments. The actress from Shaakuntalam responded by saying Citadel india is not a remake.

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