Pooja Hegde had to take a hiatus from work after suffering an ankle ailment some time ago. After that, the actress had some time to recover. Now that the celebrity is back at work. On social media, she announced the wonderful news. A video from the actress' most recent project set was uploaded. Many people are most familiar with pooja hegde from her work in films like maharshi and Aravinda Sameta, however, she made her bollywood breakthrough with Mohenjo Daro.
Pooja Hegde experienced a string of failures earlier this year when the films Radhe Shyam, starring Prabhas, Beast, an action comedy starring Vijay, and Acharya, starring Chiranjeevi, failed to fare well at the box office. pooja hegde even failed opposite ranveer singh and jacqueline fernandez in the Rohit Shetty-directed hindi film Cirkus, but she attracted notice with her stunning guest cameo in F3. One of the biggest bollywood films of her career, Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan, has her alongside salman Khan. Sadly, that likewise came to a disastrous conclusion.

Now, she was spotted in gym with her foot injured again and fans are worried if she will be able to act again as she already suffered a ligament tear a few months ago and was unable to walk.

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