With her latest interview, priyanka chopra sparked uproar in bollywood by discussing a disturbing event from her early career. The worldwide celebrity revealed that during a stripping scene, a director once asked to see her knickers.
Priyanka recalled the encounter and said that she was portraying an undercover agent who had been tasked with seducing a character. The director insisted on showing her pants even though she wanted to cover up for the moment, arguing that no one would watch the movie if she didn't. priyanka felt dehumanized by the situation, which caused her to leave the set and even reimburse the production for her two days of filming.

In other matters, priyanka made waves after participating in a podcast hosted by Alexandra Cooper, who made disparaging remarks about her and her union with Nick Jonas. In the now-deleted episode, Alexandra called priyanka a lesbian and chastised the pair for their outward shows of devotion. priyanka continues to work in the entertainment sector despite the controversy. Most recently, she co-starred with sam Heughan in the romantic comedy-drama "Love Again." On May 5, 2023, the james C. Strouse-directed movie was released to mixed reviews.

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