The narrative follows a young kid named Minato (Soya Kurokawa) as the difficulties he encounters at school start to cause unusual behaviour in him. Saori (Sakura And), his worried mother, regularly barges into his classroom to demand explanations because she thinks his acts have a deeper cause. The homeroom instructor Hori (Eita Nagayama) and Minato's student Eri (Hinata Hiiragi) both appear to be aware of an alternative version of events. Their three points of view steadily reveal the falsehoods and their repercussions, exposing hidden truths that have disturbed all the characters.
Monster is a gentle exploration of bullying, dishonesty, and self-honesty. It is a beautifully exquisite tale about youth, secrets, the human yearning to fit in, and the results thereof. These themes frequently start to dominate one another, especially given the frequent switch to various tale viewpoints, yet they nevertheless provide a remarkable demonstration of the complexities of life, especially as one ages. The script by Yuji Sakamoto delicately and respectfully explores what it means to perceive oneself as a "monster" in the context of the complex emotions that young people may go through. Sakamoto focuses on youthful experiences and emotions and how such affect interactions with adults through the main character Minato.
A plot that frequently incorporates topics relating to mental health and child abuse lies behind these fascinating storylines. They frequently appear when the screenplay is already so intensely focused on other aspects that they might cause spectators to experience whiplash. Perhaps that is the filmmaker Kore-eda's intention, as he deftly switches between the characters' points of view using fade-aways or even abrupt interruptions. It frequently causes rapid mood shifts, but a child's emotions may also do so, which is why it excels in this situation by emphasising the point in a compassionate yet subtle manner. That makes the experience full of inquiry and passion, especially when combined with the breathtaking surroundings and images made possible by his collaboration with cinematographer Ryuto Kondo.
Monster is thoughtful in how it addresses a variety of topics linked to bullying, child abuse, and deception. It is a fantastic investigation of difficult life situations through the perspective of three distinct individuals. Kore-eda's superb camera work and Yuji Sakamoto's sympathetic narrative make for an almost ideal combination. Together, this creative team produced a fantastic movie that allowed the performers to fully express their emotions in their roles. This movie should definitely be added to your watch list because of all these foundations plus the fact that it is this year's competition's Palme d'Or nominee.

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