Recently, the hottest topic of discussion is pooja Hegde's Porn Video which is being shared virally on social media networks like whatsapp and Telegram. Several users are selling the video for a price of Rs.10,000 and for the verification they send some screenshots of pooja hegde and there have been lots of users who are buying it without second thoughts.
When we did into the issue, we came to know that it was a fake and they have used deep fake technology to morph a Porn actress's face with pooja hegde and it appears to be so real. However, most of them fall for the trap thinking it was pooja hegde for real and they purchase the video for a whopping amount of 10,000 Rupees. This scam is now widely used by everyone to make money.
Pooja Hegde is an indian actress who works primarily in tamil, telugu, and hindi films. She began her modeling career and was named 2010 I Am She-Miss Universe india second runner-up. She made her acting debut in the tamil film Mugamoodi, while oka laila kosam was her first telugu release. Stay tuned with us for more updates.

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