Prabhas starrer Adipurush is directed by Om Rawat. Based on the Ramayana, the film features actor prabhas as Raman and bollywood actress Keerthy Sanon as Sita. Adipurush is going to release on june 16 as a pan india film in 5 languages including Tamil, telugu and Hindi.
As the release of Adipurush is nearing, the promotion work of the film is going on in full swing. In that way, the pre-release event of the film was held in tirupati on june 6. Actor prabhas, who had come to tirupati to participate in this, had darshan of Sami at the tirupati Esumalayan temple in the early hours of june 6. Subsequently, on june 7, the director of Adipurush film Om Rawat and actress Keerthy Sanon had darshan of Sami.

Director Om Rawat, who came to see off actress Keerthy Sanon, hugged her and kissed her on the cheek after having darshan of Swami at the tirupati temple yesterday morning. This act of Adipurush director shocked the audience. Why did actress Keerthy Sanone get a bit of a jerk after seeing him kiss her? The video of Om Rawat kissing went viral on social media and became the talk of the town.

Seeing this, the netizens started criticizing the director Om Rawat asking if he could do such a thing in the temple premises. In this situation, Chief Priest of tirupati temple CS Rangarajan has commented on this matter. He has condemned the action of Adi Purush director and scolded him that you should do all this in the hotel room and said that your behavior is insulting to Ramayana and Goddess Sita.

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