Adipurush, the film starring Prabhas, has recently become the target of the most memes, allegations, mudslinging, and other attacks. netizens are heavily criticising the film's writer Manoj Shukla and director Om Raut for their recent and previous remarks. And now these two are being made fun of for their daring portrayal of Vibhishan's wife.

Adipurush is currently receiving criticism for portraying Vibhishan's wife Sarama in a "glam" avatar, particularly in the moment where she remains at Rama's battle camp with her husband but queries how they could believe what Rama says. Trupthi Toradmal, also known as Ayesha Madhukar, a well-known Marathi actor on television, portrayed the part. Without a doubt, she appeared more gorgeous than usual for the part. But why would you anticipate this from the Ramayana?

People are currently making fun of everyone involved in this mess, including Ayesha, Om Raut, and the other filmmakers of the movie. However, the query "who is Vibhishana's wife in Adipurush" is currently trending on Google, suggesting that everyone has noticed this Marathi siren's attractiveness. 

On social media, the Om Raut-directed movie received poor reviews after its debut. While internet users pointed out several flaws in the way the narrative of Lord Rama was shown, Saif ali Khan's appearance as if he had ten heads and the crude vocabulary provided to characters, particularly Lord Hanuman and Meghnada, bothered them the most.

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