Pooja Hegde is now making news when it was said that she opted out of mahesh babu and Trivikram's next film, guntur Kaaram. In the midst of this, the actress posted a video on instagram showing her engaging in a strenuous aerobic workout. pooja commented on the video, "It's not over... until I WIN." However, this caption has caused some confusion, with some wondering if it has anything to do with her choice to forego participating in guntur Kaaram.

Is she alluded to the rumour that she was leaving guntur Kaaramwatch, a netizen asked? Is she still included in the film? She is a warrior and a big fan of southern films. Another commenter stated, "I believe she is still in the film. In addition to frequent screenplay revisions, Pinkvilla claims that the mahesh babu starrer's shooting schedule was also subject to alteration. According to a person familiar with the situation who spoke to Pinkvilla, "Pooja Hegde has decided to part ways citing date issues after considering her options for a while."

Pooja Hegde recently appeared in salman Khan's movie "Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan." On the occasion of Eid, the movie was released, however it received little interest.

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