Producer dil raju and enormous director S shankar are currently being criticised for the delay of "Game Changer," which stars ram charan as the lead actor and is a global superstar. The ultimate release date of the movie was postponed twice—once when protagonist kiara advani announced her engagement and again when Upasana's pregnancy became public knowledge. What is the current state of the movie?

Charan appears to be taking a lengthy leave of absence, first to promote RRR, then to the united states for the Oscars, and finally to care for his devoted wife Upasana Kamineni Konidela. After exposing his infant daughter to the outside world, the actor must undoubtedly get back on track and begin filming for Game Changer. According to some, the vacations have already ended and the actor will report to the sets in a week. However, the actor's version of the story is unclear in this regard.

Ram Charan will talk about the filming schedule and other matters after the baby's name and cradle ceremonies are done, it has been revealed. Additionally, the wedding of varun Tej and lavanya tripathi could necessitate his taking a few days off from work. Due to its incompleteness, the movie is currently not eligible for the Sankranthi 2024 competition.

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