Mega Prince varun Tej is currently in the process of completing the shooting of two films on the line. Majority of the shooting of Gadivadari arjuna movie under the direction of praveen sattaru has been completed. varun Tej is doing VT 13 movie in telugu hindi languages, this movie is currently shooting.
Miss World Manushi Chillar is acting opposite varun Tej in the film. This beauty has already made her debut as a heroine in hindi with Samrat Prithviraj. varun Tej is entering tollywood with VT13. varun Tej has made a perfect air force officer with a clean save for this film.
If he is walking like that with casual dressing and neat saving, then it seems that he is suitable for the brand called Mega Prince. The title related to this movie has already been fixed. It seems that the title of the single has been set to be set for telugu and hindi languages.
It is heard in industry circles that there is a chance to launch the title officially soon. varun Tej hopes to make a grand entry into bollywood with this film. The director of this movie is also from Bollywood. Also the focus seems to be on bollywood by casting hindi actors for key roles.There is talk that VT13 movie may be released at the end of this year.