Disha Patani, a bollywood beauty, is quite skilled at making whatever outfit she wears look extremely seductive. At the event yesterday night, the beautiful beauty once more captured everyone's attention. Along with other well-known people, disha patani attended the Ajio Grazia Millennial Awards 2023 with Vijay Verma, Aditya Roy Kapoor, Aditi Rao Hydari, and Sophie Choudry. Disha raised the fever by donning a bra top and a bottom with a thigh-high cut.
She took a lift selfie showing off her toned physique in the outfit, and it goes without saying that she looked very stunning in it. disha patani is now working on Project K and Yoddha. disha patani recently turned 31 years old. Mouni Roy, Disha's new closest friend, wrote a sentimental birthday message for the Malang actress on this important day. Following their joint trip to the US for The Entertainers Tour, Disha and Mouni grew close.
Disha Patani is preparing to make her acting debut in the forthcoming action-thriller Yodha. Disha will co-star in this much awaited film alongside sidharth malhotra and Raashii Khanna. disha patani is also a part of Nag Ashwin's much awaited movie, movie K, in addition to her involvement in Yodha. Prabhas, deepika Padukone, and amitabh bachchan all appear in this masterpiece.

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