Anikha Surendran, a well-known actress in indian film, was subjected to this unfortunate fact. Despite her ability and accomplishment, some of her instagram fans sent vicious and cruel comments on her images. Anikha Surendran's courage is highlighted in this article along with the effects of toxic online behaviour and the significance of building a supportive and secure online community.
Social media has dominated our lives in the era of wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital connectedness. Although it has many advantages, it has also spawned a corrosive culture of cyberbullying and derogatory remarks. People, particularly famous people, are the targets of unjustified criticism, body shaming, and personal assaults. This behaviour, which is motivated by anonymity, frequently causes emotional anguish and can have negative effects on mental health.
Anikha Surendran, a gifted actress known for her outstanding cinematic appearances, has encountered the negative aspects of social media. She received harsh and unfair remarks on her instagram photos despite her successes. Anikha bravely chose not to allow these hurtful comments define her instead of giving in to them. She shown tremendous fortitude and resiliency by choosing to concentrate on her enthusiasm and love for her profession rather than dwell on the bad.

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