Actress rekha Nair is famous among the fans for the movie Iravin Nizhal which was released under the direction of Parthiban. rekha Nair, who participated in an interview recently, spoke in a way that caused controversy. In the interview, she said, "Nowadays some women dress like sexy..What about you?" asked the journalist

She said Girls should feel it when someone puts their hand on their waist while wearing that kind of outfit. If I put my hand on my waist when I wear a saree, I am ready for that too. Don't the women of today have the mentality of letting men go by the hand? rekha Nair said. Now rekha Nair's speech is causing a lot of controversy.

Rekha Nair will turn 35 years old starting in 2023. We should talk about her current situation. She is around 58 kg tall and 5 feet 6 inches wide. She was born in Chennai, tamil Nadu, and conducted her tutoring in the area where she grew up. She is also a talented writer and artist. She has appeared in a few films and television shows. rekha began working as the reporter for sun television after a brief stint as an anchor with Puthuyugam television. Her career spanned more than ten years.

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