red Giant has acquired the publishing rights of Shah Rukh Khan's 'Jawan'..!
It has been reported that red Giant Movies has acquired the rights to release Shahrukh Khan's 'Jawan' in tamil Nadu directed by Atlee. director Atlee, who has given several hits in tamil, is making his directorial debut in bollywood with Shah Rukh Khan's Jawan. Shah Rukh Khan plays two roles in this film. Nayanthara plays the heroine. deepika Padukone, Vijay Sethupathi, yogi babu and priyamani are also playing the lead roles. The film is releasing in tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, kannada and hindi languages. It is also reported that actor Vijay will play an honorary role in the film, which will be composed by Anirudh. This film is produced by Shah Rukh Khan's wife Gauri Khan. The movie 'Jawan' has been announced to release on september 7 worldwide. In this case, new information has come out that the OTD, music and theatrical release license of this film has been sold for more than Rs.400 crores. Due to this, jawaan has emerged as the biggest film of this year. Due to this, jawaan has emerged as the biggest film of this year. Recently, it was reported that the music license of the film has been bought by Dee-Serious for Rs.36 crores. In this case, it has been reported that Udayanidhi Stalin's red Giant Movies has acquired the release rights of jawaan in tamil Nadu.