For Rangabali, naga Shaurya, who has produced a number of duds, teamed up with upcoming filmmaker Pavan Basamshetty. It is described as a "unique romantic comedy" and tells the tale of a young guy named "Show," short for Shaurya (Naga Shaurya), who lives in raja Varam, a tiny village. Show is a cheerful individual who has a strong attachment to his hometown and a constant desire to be at the centre of attention at all times. Until his father Vishwam (Goparaju Ramana) forcibly sends him to vizag to finish his pharmacy education at a friend's medical college because he wants his son to take over the running of his medical shop, he spends his time with his never-do-good group of friends, Agadham (Satya), and Raju (Rajkumar Kasireddi).
Show develops feelings for Sahaja, another student (Yukthi Thareja). Show runs into a unique issue that puts him at odds with the character of his home town as he tries to persuade Sahaja's father (Murali Sharma) to approve of their marriage. As he attempts to answer this, he stumbles into more significant problems pertaining to social identity, perceptions, mass mentality, and how society elevates evil over goodness. The core of the novel is how Show approaches all of these problems, and how his life dramatically transforms as a result of his efforts.