Big boss Vikraman - Next problem for bigg boss Vikraman..
Another source leaked? Chennai: Big boss Vikraman (Big Boss Vikraman) Big Boss vikraman has shared a screenshot saying that Big Boss vikraman cheated on her. Many people are fans of bigg boss show. The show is hosted by Kamal Haasan. So far 6 seasons have been completed. The sixth season has more fighting and conflict than any other season; There was talk of no season coming up for a 6th season. That is because of the contestants who participated in it. Especially, Vikraman, Aseem, Shivin. Sensational Aseem: In bigg boss season 6, Aseem's every action and speech made many people smile. Aseem went beyond the limits as he taunted Shivin, who is a transgender, with his body language and bad-mouthed all the onlookers. After this, he continued to advise Kamal Azeem, who talks to the house mates every week. Essentially, your son has been advised that he is watching this. However, Aseem did not change his career till the end of Bigg Boss. 00:00 Previous PlayNext 00:00 / 00:00 Mute Settings Fullscreen Copy video url Play / Pause Mute / Unmute Report a problem language Share Vidverto Player Title winner Aseem: Vikraman, Aseem and Shivin entered the final one way. Aseem was announced as the title winner in an environment where many were expecting Vikramano and Shivino to be the bigg boss 6 title winners. This sparked a huge debate on social media. vikraman came second and Shivin third. Aram Vellum: vikraman in particular had a huge fan following in the sixth season. spoke patiently to everyone; His every act received applause as he maintained his self-respect till the end. Due to this, vikraman was expected to win. But he failed. However, even though vikraman lost, Vikraman's fans chanted that Arama won. Allegation: A woman named Kripa made an allegation against vikraman outside Bigg Boss. That is, vikraman has deceived her by saying that he loves her and will marry her. He had said that he had also taken the money. This shocked many people. Aram Vellum: bigg boss celebs suddenly reunited... Vikraman's update! New Source: But Vikraman's fans kept saying that there was no way he could have done that. In this case, the woman has released a new screenshot. Out of which I sent 45 thousand rupees from UK account and 3000 rupees from hdfc account. He said that this was all I had. Also, it is as if vikraman said love you to the lady. Now this screenshot is heating up the issue again. Seeing this, some people are questioning whether vikraman is your virtue. Meanwhile, Vikraman's fans are also responding that all this is false.

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