Fans can expect more entertainment from telugu Bigg Bos' forthcoming seventh season. The show will return with a fresh twist after six successful seasons, and popular host Akkineni nagarjuna will be there to mentor the participants and interact with the audience.  After Bigg Boss-7 was announced, rumours regarding the candidates started to circulate. There are several performers whose names are being mentioned; recently, an unexpected name has come up.

According to reports, venu Gopala Rao, a former indian cricketer, would take part in bigg boss 7. The rumour of a cricketer joining the show has sparked intrigue, even if official confirmation is still required. This is because the show usually stars well-known YouTubers and actors. Venugopal Rao, a native of Visakhapatnam, made his ODI debut for the indian cricket team against sri lanka in 2005, and his final ODI was played against the west indies in 2006. He participated in 16 games in total, scoring 218 runs.

In addition, Venugopal Rao developed a solid reputation as a result of his participation in the indian Premier League (IPL), where he took part in 65 games throughout the course of his career. Venugopal Rao has spent more than two decades playing cricket at the highest level and is currently employed as a telugu commentator.

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