At the last mumbai screening of Bawaal, starlet beauty pooja hegde stunned in a pink ensemble with a chic plunging neckline. On the red carpet, the gifted actress made a spectacular entrance that caught everyone's eye. pooja exuded beauty and grace while wearing the pink gown with its risky neckline. She completed the ensemble with high shoes and simple accessories while leaving her flowing hair unrestrained. 
She most recently appeared in the salman khan film Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan. Although she hasn't yet made any new projects public, her followers are incredibly excited about her next films. pooja hegde was very gorgeous at the mumbai screening of Bawaal. She was dressed in a mesmerizing pink attire that completely accentuated her stunning attractiveness. 
Everyone was enamored by her confident and stylish demeanor, and because to her perfect sense of style, she became a true style icon. Her contagious smile brightened the occasion and brought joy to everybody who had the good fortune to be in her presence. Pooja's decision to let her hair down gave her already lovely appearance a touch of easy charm. She radiated confidence and grace as she wore high heels to complete her ensemble.

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