The kashmir Files famed bollywood filmmaker vivek Agnihotri seems to be keeping a vendetta towards rebel star Prabhas. He occasionally criticises or insults prabhas in an oblique way while giving a variety of justifications. He has once more said pointless things about prabhas and Prashanth Neel's movie Salaar, which comes out on september 28 at the same time as his upcoming movie The Vaccine War.

Adipurush, the film starring prabhas, has been openly criticised by vivek in both direct and indirect ways. He is scheduled to release The Vaccine war on the same day as Salaar, as was previously indicated. He confidently states that he is unconcerned by the conflict, citing how his earlier movie, The kashmir Files, fared very well despite being released alongside Radhe Shyam. He anticipates the same result from this conflict as well.

The kashmir Files by vivek and radhe shyam by prabhas were both made available on march 11, 2022. It's interesting to note that although The kashmir Files became a sleeper smash and enjoyed enormous success at the movie office, radhe shyam was met with criticism and was deemed a failure. The kashmir Files amassed more over 300 crores in revenue throughout its theatrical run. Now that vivek is once more headed towards a clash with prabhas, it is unclear who would win this exciting cinematic conflict.

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