Senior tamil actor Sathyaraj has gained immense popularity both in the South and the North. But his real age is 68. But what should be done to reduce the age to 28 for a role in the movie? For this, the famous tamil director said that we are using advanced technology.
When this idea first came to him, AI anchors came to mind. He said that since anything is possible with AI technology, now we are trying to reduce the age of Satyaraj. The makers of Sathyaraj, Vasanth ravi and Rajeev menon starrer tamil film 'Weapon' are reportedly using AI to create a key animation sequence in their film.
Film director Guhan Senniappan described the film as 'a story driven by supernatural powers' and said that sathyaraj sir has acted in a role with superpowers. A sequence of scenes explaining how the character got his superpowers should be screened. It is for this purpose that we use AI.
We have tried with technology to make Satyaraj look younger. He said that how the events happened in the past are being shown on the screen with a young character. Usually directors consult traditional animators to create such scenes. But it was revealed that we used AI for that. Lately we have all been seeing a lot of AI-generated photos on social media. They look amazing.
AI can give us what we want. But it has a trial error for now. Artists near us said that since we have footage of locations, working with AI technology has become easier for us but there are some complications in this too. AI is currently not at the point where it can instantly create skin tones for indian characters like it can create Europeans or Americans.
If we ask AI to make a tribe from India, it will be neutral for all of Asia. Due to that, it is not possible to obtain molded indian forms with this technology. He elaborated on his observation that there is a very western perspective in AI regarding backdrops, skin tones, etc.bringing in nativity is still a challenge.