For celebrities, social media can be a double-edged sword, giving them a platform to interact with followers but also putting them at risk of criticism and cyberbullying. Raiza Wilson, an indian actress and model, recently endured the wrath of online trolls after she unintentionally posted a mirror photo wearing a pink outfit with the caption "#Barbie." She had no idea that her seemingly innocent tweet would cause a flurry of harsh and disparaging responses from certain social media users.
Raiza probably expected to receive adoration and love from her admirers as she published a mirror selfie photo of herself dressed in a pink suit with the amusing text "#Barbie." Her tweet, however, attracted a bunch of social media users who launched a torrent of critical remarks and harassment.

The hashtag "#Barbie" caused a lot of trolls to take offence, and they then made fun of Raiza's outfit choice by equating her with a Barbie doll, which some people found offensive. Hurtful remarks like "Pink dress pota Barbie ah" and "Looks like Sunny Leone" were common in the comments area, which marred the positive mood in which the image was first posted.

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