When word of megastar Chiranjeevi's request to use kolkata as the setting for Vedalam remake Bholaa shankar emerged, one of the most hotly debated topics was whether or not the song "Ramma Chilkamma" from Chudlani Vundi would be remixed. It has a lot of links and would have received great praise as well if chiru had remixed it right now, but there's a twist.

Meher Ramesh reportedly admitted to IndiaHerald.com that they never considered remixing the Raamma Chilakamma song from the Chudalani Vundi movie and instead relied on music director Mahati Swara Sagar for other excellent songs. However, the director has now disputed the rumours that they had already shot a dance scene for this remix version. Many assumed that megastar would remix Ramma Chilakamma since Chiru's use of the kolkata background in Choodalani Vundi and the fact that Ramma Chilakamma's composer is Mahati Sagar's father led to this conclusion.

On the other side, other rumours claim that a brief sequence in the film would show chiru and his comedy troupe all dancing wildly to the Ramma Chilakamma song. According to some stories, chiru didn't like the remix, thus he was given the choice of a strange remix. We won't know, though, until august 11th, if chiranjeevi is hiding the remix or denying it.

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