Mollywood actress parvathy thiruvothu has reportedly been removed from the director board of kerala State Film Development Corporation (KSFDC). If the latest reports are to be believed, it was the kerala government who stepped in with the decision to remove her from the director board for which it has also issued an order. It must be noted that Parvathy herself wanted to be removed from the board. In a move to ask KSFDC for the same, she had previously written a letter to the managing director, where she mentioned that she wants to be removed from the board. Shaji N Karun is the chairman of kerala State Film Development Corporation, whereas N maya is the managing director of the board. KSFDC was established by the government of kerala in 1975.

Parvathy has been doing lesser movies since the last few years. She chose quality over quantity; and as a result, she has many notable films to her credit like Charlie, Bangalore Days, Virus, and Uyare. Next, she has many exciting films lined up in her pipeline. She will be seen playing a pivotal part in the Chiyaan Vikram-starrer Thangalaan. One Pa Ranjith-directed film is speculated to feature Parvathy in a never-seen-before avatar. Given the versatile filmography of Parvathy, the film is creating enough buzz among the audience. Thangalaan also stars malavika Mohanan, Pasupathy, and Daniel Caltagirone in the primary roles.

Parvathy Thiruvothu will be seen in various other exciting films. Among her most anticipated projects, the first is Her. The film, as the name suggests, will be an intriguing story based on women. The anthology is likely to feature an ensemble cast of Urvashi, aishwarya Rajesh, ramya Nambessan, Guru Somasundaram, Lijomol Jose, and Parvathy. As per the reports, the film will be based on five women who hail from different backgrounds and come from different walks of life.

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