An unidentified organization is being investigated by the mumbai police for allegedly taking and sharing portions from the eagerly awaited movie "Jawan," which stars the legendary Shah Rukh Khan. In a recent development, Shah Rukh Khan's production company, red Chillies, complained to the delhi High court, and the court intervened and ordered an investigation. The stolen videos, which were initially posted on particular accounts, were swiftly taken down in compliance with court demands.
Red Chillies Production Company's CFO pradeep Nimani provided the facts in the lawsuit and claimed that the illegally uploaded clips had been distributed through particular social media handles. As a result, the mumbai police opened an inquiry, which resulted in the filing of a First Information Report (FIR) in accordance with Section 379 of the indian Penal Code (IPC) and the Information technology (IT) Act.

While these legal battles were going on, Shah Rukh Khan released a thrilling trailer for "Chaleya," the second song from the upcoming movie "Jawan." On september 7, the talented Atlee's film, which stars Shah Rukh Khan, Nayanthara, and vijay sethupathi in key roles, is set to get a wide release. To appeal to a wide audience, the movie will be shown in a variety of languages, including Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu. Curiosity has been sparked by Nayanthara's casting as a police officer. The cast also includes Priyamani, Sanya Malhotra, and Ridhi Dogra, promising a vibrant and interesting cinematic experience.

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