According to a report in People, the global icon has stepped away from her partnership with NYC restaurant Sona. A spokesperson from their team confirmed the same and stated, “Bringing Sona to life will invariably be a proud and significant moment in her career. priyanka has always endeavoured to bring indian culture to the fore through storytelling, whether that’s via engaging content for film and TV, or a beautifully plated dish that embodies the haute cuisine of India.”
Furthermore apart from being a stellar actress and a producer, priyanka chopra is also a successful entrepreneur and has time and again expanded her business ambitions, by venturing into several avenues including the hospitality sector. Having said that, back in 2021, the actress started a restaurant named Sona in New York with Maneesh Goyal. Buzz is that, the actress is now stepping away from the same almost after 2 years.
The spokesperson further stated, “Stepping away from Sona allows her to broaden these ambitions on a more global scale, and she’s excited about the possibilities that await.” While the restaurant will remain open, Maneesh K. Goyal, co-founder of Sona and Chopra Jonas’ friend and former business partner, shared that working with Priyanka ‘has been a dream come true’. He added, “We’re grateful for her partnership and support," he added in a statement to PEOPLE. “While she will no longer be involved as a creative partner moving forward, she remains in the Sona family and we are excited for our respective new chapters ahead.”