Selva Raghavan, who also directed "7/G Brindavan Colony," has achieved great success. As preparations for a sequel develop, this movie is currently generating news once more. The creators of this movie, the director and producers, are working on a sequel. After a hiatus of over 20 years, actor ravi krishna is about to return. But now that sonia Aggarwal, who played the powerful 'Anitha' character earlier and made a lasting impression, won't be returning, the issue of who will fill the position has been finally resolved.
Anaswara Rajan has reportedly been chosen for this sequel, according to rumours. This gifted Malayali actress earned her name in several hindi and tamil films after starting her career as a child artist. Recently, Anaswara attracted acclaim for her work in the bollywood film "Yaariyan 2" and for costarring with trisha in the film "Rangi". As a result of the enthusiasm generated by her social media posts, moviegoers are praising the casting decision. This sequel's filming is expected to start in September.

With her remarkable acting skills and alluring film presence, Anaswara Rajan has become a well-known star. Anaswara Rajan is most recognised for her contributions to malayalam film, and her 2017 feature debut, "Udaharanam Sujatha," cemented her reputation.

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