Jailer, the most recent film featuring Rajinikanth, has received a tonne of positive reviews from both reviewers and viewers. This Nelson-directed movie has been one of the biggest successes of the year, surpassing the Rs 550 crore mark globally in only two weeks after its theatrical release. Jailer will soon be available to watch in the comfort of one's own home, although Rajinikanth's dedicated fans can't seem to get enough of seeing the movie in theatres. Jailer is scheduled to stream on a well-known wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital platform.

Jailer's streaming rights were purchased by OTT juggernaut Netflix for the astronomical sum of Rs 100 crore. Given that the movie is now a smash at the box office, this large acquisition by Netflix has given rise to rumours that the movie's imminent OTT distribution may have an impact on how well it performs in theatres.

Jailer is currently close to breaking the Rs 600 crore milestone internationally and has earned an amazing total of about Rs 300 crore at the indian box office. The movie made around Rs 3.65 crore on its fourteenth day in theatres, taking its domestic box office total to Rs 295.65 crore. Today, it's expected that the movie would earn more than Rs 300 crore.

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