Like many famous people, samantha Ruth Prabhu has kept everything private, from her romance with naga chaitanya to other intriguing initiatives. She could have kept the news of her myositis a secret until she was well, but instead she made it public. Why did the leading lady decide to tell everyone about it?

Hero Vijay devarakonda has opted to address the issue by explaining why samantha felt compelled to inform the public about her myositis. If it's an internal issue, she will battle it and keep it a secret. But suddenly, she has discomfort even when she catches a glimpse of the sun, and the inflammation is visible all over her face. When asked why samantha made the news public, Vijay devarakonda responded, "At that time, she opted to talk about it to us.

It seems like the star heroine has opted to tell everyone what she knows, rather than keeping her admirers in suspense and ambiguity. If one film team knows about it, the knowledge will undoubtedly go across seas to reach outsiders as well. The "Kushi" production team waited 6–8 months for her to return to the set before wrapping up the picture once she had recovered to some degree. She then travelled to the USA for a complete recovery.

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