'Jawan' is experiencing its greatest ever popularity. Shah Rukh Khan's second significant release of the year is the Atlee-directed film. The movie's advance reservations have not yet begun in India. Despite this, SRK supporters go over and above for the actor and his movie "Jawan." Once again, Shah Rukh's devoted followers have made history. First hindi film to get a 6 a.m. showing at Mumbai's venerable Gaiety Galaxy theatre is "Jawan."
The largest fan group for Shah Rukh Khan posted an update on "Jawan's early morning show in Gaiety Galaxy theatre." "We created history as Pathaan became the first movie to ever have a 9AM show in 51 years of iconic #Gaiety theatre and we rewrite history with Jawan as we organise its 6AM show at the Iconic Gaiety Galaxy," said a post from SRK's fan group. Pradhananshul41, join us right now! (sic)."

For those who are unaware, the majority of tamil Nadu's top actors receive early morning shows for their flicks. However, early morning events have been cancelled this year owing to a few incidents. Despite this, the tendency is still present in states where telugu is spoken. It now appears that the creators of "Jawan" are joining the trend. atlee is the director of "Jawan." Nayanthara and vijay sethupathi also appear in the movie with SRK. Additionally, deepika padukone makes a special cameo in the film. 'Jawan's stellar cast also features Ridhi Dogra and sanya malhotra in addition to the aforementioned actors.

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