Recently, the busy actress rashmika mandanna took time out of her schedule to make a kind gesture that touched viewers. Despite her busy film schedule, rashmika managed to make the hyderabad wedding of her cherished helper, Sai, a special occasion. In a sophisticated orange saree by Anita Dongre Midha, which cost about Rs 35K, rashmika exuded beauty and grace. Her presence gave the wedding celebrations a glitzy flair.
This celebration was made especially unforgettable by the newlyweds' surprise gesture, in which they touched Rashmika's feet to ask for her blessing. This open and lovely moment affected rashmika noticeably, and she appeared a little ashamed. She won over internet users with her humility.
Rashmika Mandanna is presently filming the much awaited flicks "Pushpa 2" and "Animal," both of which are scheduled for release in 2019. Her sincere and endearing moments off-screen serve as a reminder of why she is such a popular figure in the entertainment business even as she continues to thrive on film.
On september 3, rashmika mandanna travelled to hyderabad to attend her helper Sai's wedding. She choose to dress in a vivid yellow saree and arrange her hair in a conventional way. However, the actress' response when the pair stroked her feet for blessings caught everyone's attention.

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