The movie industry is buzzing about the eagerly awaited pushpa 2: The Rule, the sequel to the popular pushpa franchise. The movie is attracting particular interest, particularly now that allu arjun has won a National Award for Best Actor. Interestingly, a social media video from the movie's set has gone viral. The team is shooting non-stop to complete the new schedule and they are planning to release the movie by december 2024 or at the earliest.

We all know that allu arjun portrays a mobster who smuggles red sandalwood in the movie. He has a truck, but as the narrative goes on, it appears like he has a lot of trucks. We can see a sizable scenario set up with several parked vehicles in the viral footage.

Although it appears that the producers artificially built the vehicles, their presence suggests a thrilling action scene starring Allu Arjun. pushpa 2: The Rule's filming is already in full gear, and director Sukumar is doing all in his power to produce an even more engrossing cinematic experience. In the movie, rashmika mandanna portrays the female lead. In the movie, Fahadh Faasil portrays the main antagonist.

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