Due to Chandrababu Naidu's incarceration, Jr. ntr fans have become sharply split, mostly into three Sections. Fans of Jr. ntr who do not have any political leanings believe that he should not comment on politics given his busy schedule. Hard-core tdp ntr supporters are not pleased with his stoic silence on the most recent state development involving tdp and family. On the other side, ycp ntr supporters appear to be quite pleased and are flexing in ways like ntr congratulating jagan for Naidu's imprisonment.

But that's not all. Others claim that Jr. ntr is keeping quiet because his words the last two times flopped due to his tact and diplomacy. Due to his films and responsibilities, Jr. ntr is only able to make diplomatic remarks, therefore tarak would be in a difficult position to speak on such a delicate subject as Chandrababu's detention.

Tarak is being a very wise person by completely avoiding the situation and being quite safe during the entire show. It appears like tarak knows what is best and how to approach the situation deftly. jr ntr is still keeping a muted response. In fact, it's not just jr ntr, the entire tollywood is tight lipped and never opened their mouths so far. Only producer Aswini Dutt has expressed his rage.

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