Actor Vijay is currently busy in the Pre-production work of 'Thalapathy 68' and his next release 'LEO' is gearing up for a Worldwide release on 19th October. The team has decided to start the promotions with a bang and the production house already revealed they will give updates every week from now onwards. In this case, recently a photo of trisha and Vijay abroad went viral and Seven Screen Studio claimed it's a leaked image from LEO movie and they claimed copyrights and took it down.
However, the image went viral immediately. Now, in this case, a leading tamil portal has revealed that Vijay is happy with his wife and children and there is no such thing as reported on social media. Vijay has decided to keep a muted response and let the barking dogs bark and he chose to ignore the negativity. Despite, numerous rumors, he is still tight-lipped and is focusing on his next project.
The telugu poster for Thalapathy Vijay's "Leo" had been eagerly anticipated by fans for a while. Fans eagerly anticipated viewing the movie's poster following a breathtaking first look and the announcement trailer. The wait is finally over. Fans are urged to remain calm despite their inability to do so by the poster. The movie "Leo," which stars Thalapathy Vijay, now has a telugu poster. Vijay appears to be thinking deeply in the poster. The poster depicts a mountainous setting with Vijay jogging uphill in the snow while sporting a salt and pepper appearance. The poster has incredibly fine details.

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