Leo, an action comedy from lokesh kanagaraj, will be released for Thalapathy Vijay. Unconfirmed reports claim that the movie primarily draws inspiration from David Cronenberg's 2005 gangster masterpiece, "A history of Violence." Following Master, this movie represents the duo's second collaboration. The project may be a part of the lokesh kanagaraj world he developed with Kamal Haasan's vikram a year ago, according to rumors.

The scene-for-scene recreation of "A history Of Violence" was earlier shown to the telugu audience in 2010's Gaayam 2, which starred Jagapathi Babu. However, it is clear that lokesh may have simply copied the main idea from the hollywood movie and given it his own interpretation. He is too talented to slavishly imitate a hollywood production and force it down the viewers' throats.

Yesterday saw the debut of the "Leo" movie poster in Telugu. With a snow-covered mountain backdrop in the background, it shows Vijay in a reflective state. The poster's phrase, "Keep calm and avoid the battle," adds mystery to the movie's premise. Just now atlee got trolled for Jawan as he copied several scenes from Money Heist and even his own movies. However, he narrowly escaped as SRK's screen presence made the movie a blockbuster. But, the hype given for LEO and LCU is too much and we are sure this is going to be a FLOP at the box office incurring huge losses for everyone involved.

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