Ravinder chandrasekhar produced three films in his own production house. All those films cost him a fortune. A few days ago, Ravinder was arrested for fraud in solid waste and lodged in Puzhal Jail. Ravinder Chandrasekaran's wife Mahalakshmi was a newsreader six years ago. At that time many people trolled her. In fact, Fatman Ravinder was Mahalakshmi's second husband.
Suddenly Mahalakshmi married Ravinder after divorcing her first husband. The incident caused a stir. Many critics were criticizing that this happened only because Mahalakshmi came due to money. In this case, even when her husband is in Jail, Mahalakshmi is focusing on the photo shoot and they are criticizing her for posting saree photos on Ganesha Chaturthi and those photos on the internet are causing a stir already.

After her husband, producer Ravinder chandrasekhar, was detained for fraud, actress Mahalakshmi finally spoke out. The star posted a picture of herself on social media with the comment "This too shall pass," inspiring netizens with her strength in the face of difficulty. Mahalakshmi and chandrasekhar were wed in september 2022, and ever then, their union has come under fire with many people believing that she wed him for his wealth.

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