In India, celebrity weddings are always a big event. Therefore, it came as no surprise when information about South indian actress trisha Krishnan's upcoming wedding appeared. There have been allegations that the "Ponniyin Selvan" actress will wed a malayalam film producer, according to a number of media sites. The producer's identity was kept a secret. However, it was sufficient to elicit reactions from everyone.

At last, the actress had to come out herself and give clarity over the rumours. trisha posted on her X account the following: ‘DEAR”YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE AND YOUR TEAM”, “KEEP CALM AND STOP RUMOURING” CHEERS!’ Without taking any names or directly acknowledging the issue, trisha implied that the news about her wedding is nothing but a rumour. A fan replied to her post with ‘Slipper shot to her marriage rumours’. Another one wrote ‘Replying to @trishtrashers Keep Calm and stop rumours Smart announcement’

However, this sparked new controversy as well. Vijay's hardcore fan pages 'Troll Cinema' and few other pages immediately shared this news of trisha getting married to a malayalam producer. But they kept tightlipped when reports surfaced an affair between trisha and Vijay as they were spotted together in Norway. Also, trisha never kept a muted response and never reacted when there were reports about her affair with Vijay spreaded and now when she was linked with a nameless malayalam producer she immediately vents out a reaction. So, everyone predicts the easy outcome what is happening between them both and this was evident in the tweet comments itself.

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