Vijay has joined forces with director venkat Prabhu for his 68th film, and the surprise union of the fresh duo has been tentatively titled 'Thalapathy 68'. The pre-production work for the film is happening briskly, and the makers are finalizing the cast and crew for the film. The latest reports suggest that aravind Swamywill be joining the cast of 'Thalapathy 68' and we have to know what role the actor will take in venkat Prabhu's directorial.
If the actor comes on board for 'Thalapathy 68' as reports claim, then it will be his first film with actor Vijay. It is worth mentioning thatArvind Swamy was also part of venkat Prabhu's last directorial 'Custody', and he played the antagonist in the cop drama.
Earlier, prabhu deva and Prashanth were said to be joining the cast of 'Thalapathy 68', and Prashanth's father Tiagarajan had also confirmed the makers are in talks with the actor. However, Arvind Swamy’s addition to the cast has turned into a puzzle. Let's wait to hear an official announcement, as the film's cast and crew are expected to be announced after the release of Vijay's next film 'Leo'.
Vijay is said to be playing a dual role in venkat Prabhu's directorial, and the actor earlier underwent a VFX 3D scan in Los Angeles to lock his look for the film.
Meanwhile, Vijay's next release 'Leo' is locked to hit the big screens on october 19, and the film will be released in Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and hindi languages. The extensive promotions for the film will take off shortly, and the gangster drama will be keeping fans busy on social media for another month. Vijay plays a gangster in the action drama, which is directed by lokesh kanagaraj, and the film's post-production work is happening briskly.