The horror-comedy series Aranmanai is directed by Sundar C. The franchise, which debuted in 2014, stars well-known actors in each film, receives overwhelmingly good reviews, and over time develops a cult following. When the fourth installment of the franchise was first announced earlier this year, it was made clear that tamannaah bhatia would also appear, marking their second collaboration following the 2019 picture Action. Raashii Khanna, yogi Babu, Kovai Sarala, Rajendran, and more actors play significant parts in the movie.

In the latest update, the film is set to hit the theaters on pongal 2024. Taking to her social media, the Bhola shankar actress shared the first look poster of the film and wrote: “Here’s the smashing first look poster of the much awaited #Aranmanai4; Hold on to your seats, we’ll see you in pongal 2024!!”

The hindi online series Aakhri Sach, directed by Robert Grewal, was the final project that the lust stories 2 actress appeared in. A fictitious television series partially based on the Burari killings is the criminal investigative thriller. The 25th of august saw the debut of the series, and viewers have responded favourably.  The last time viewers saw Raashii Khanna was in the Raj & DK-produced online sitcom Farzi. shahid kapoor and vijay sethupathi starred in the black humour criminal thriller with Kay Kay Menon, bhuvan Arora, Kubbra Sait, Regina Cassandra, and other notable actors in key parts.

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