Fans of the legendary couple are getting a pleasant taste of the past as Leo, starring Thalapathy Vijay and trisha krishnan, approaches its much awaited release. Recently, a hitherto unseen snapshot of trisha krishnan during the Leo filming in Kashmir's breathtaking settings has made its way online. The actress is shown in the picture as a real snow princess, her ethereal beauty set against a landscape of immaculate snow.
Trisha can be seen in the beautiful picture sporting a long jacket and a pastel violet suit that blend in beautifully with the snowy surroundings. Additionally, the picture shows the actress with a friend, having a sincere, warm, and friendly moment. Fans and movie buffs have been raving over trisha krishnan and Thalapathy Vijay's return to the big screen after a lengthy layoff of fifteen years. The pair's prior on-screen chemistry allowed them to work together in films like Ghilli and Kuruvi, which made a lasting impression on tamil cinema.

With less than 18 days, the production house is silent and Vijay fans are now speaking about 'Thalapathy 68'. This happened earlier with 'Varisu' too. When 'Varisu' was about to release, everyone were speaking about 'LEO' and now during LEO release Vijay fans are speaking about 'Thalapathy 68'.

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