Actress priya bhavani shankar is now one of Kollywood's busiest actresses. The actress, who began her acting career on television before blossoming as one of Kollywood's top heroines, has worked with several celebrities. The actress allegedly stated in a recent interview with a media source that she is willing to collaborate with a few filmmakers even before hearing the plot screenplay.
According to the actress, she can work blindly with filmmaker Nelson Venkatesan, who helmed her movie "Monster." priya bhavani shankar also claimed that Radha Mohan, who most recently helmed her film "Bommai," made things simple for her and got whatever he desired from the actress for her on-screen performance.

She is also said to have added that she would readily agree to be in any of Radha Mohan's films, no matter how small a part they may have, because they will always hold a special place in people's hearts. The actress said that because Vetrimaaran is a skilled writer, she won't need to be familiar with the plot before agreeing to collaborate with him.
In this case, the actress faced an unexpected Oops moment at the Gym while doing work out and the photos from the gym session are storming the Internet right now. 

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