The information about the censor certificate of Thalapathy Vijay's 'Leo', which is releasing on october 19, is now out. Thalapathy Vijay starrer 'Leo' is set to release on october 19 in a grand manner across the world amidst the anticipation of lakhs of fans. The latest update about this movie which is going to be released as a Pan india movie in languages like Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, etc. is being released from time to time. In that way, now the information about the censor proof of the film Leo is out. According to this, director lokesh kanagaraj has announced on his social media that the film Leo has received a U/A certificate. Also, the trailer of this film will be released tomorrow. After a long gap, popular actress trisha has acted opposite Vijay in 'Leo'. And bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt, gautham Menon, Myshkin, Arjun, priya anand and the biggest star cast together. Thalapathy Vijay is going to act in his 68th film after Leo under the direction of famous director Venkat Prabhu. According to this, director lokesh kanagaraj has announced on his social media that the film Leo has received a U/A certificate.

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