The bail application made by film producer Ravindar Chandrasekaran, who was recently detained by the Central Crime Branch for defrauding the owner of another production firm out of 15.83 crore, was denied by the Principal Sessions court in Chennai. Films have been produced and directed by Ravindar of Libra Production Limited. 

According to the prosecution and police, Ravindar approached balaji Kapa of Madav media Private Limited in october 2020 and proposed to start a new business in a power project by converting municipal solid waste into energy. balaji Kapa then filed a complaint with the Greater chennai police Commissioner. Along with seducing balaji with the promise of a large return, Ravindar sought financial investment.

On the basis of Balaji's allegation, a case was opened, and on september 7 Ravindar was taken into custody. He is currently incarcerated. In his bail plea, Ravindar claimed that the complaint's allegations against him were completely untrue and without merit. He asked for more time to pay the money, but the responding police did not take it into account when they filed the FIR. According to Ravindar's attorney, the issue was just a civil money dispute between two parties.

S. Alli, Principal Sessions Judge, dismissed the bail petition and stated, "This court sees some force in the complaint of the de facto complainant. This lawsuit involves a sizable sum. Ravindar, the petitioner, was only detained on september 7. The investigation has reached a critical point. The stolen money has not yet been found. The petitioner's release would prevent an inquiry from taking place.

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