Pitru Paksha 2023: Do not disrespect these people even by mistake during Pitru Paksha, ancestors get angry... then the mountain of sorrow breaks.

The month of Shraddha is of our ancestors. During this time our ancestors come to earth and receive their blessings. Which people should we not insult in Pitru Paksha?

Pitra Paksha 2023

Pitra Paksha starts from the full moon date of Bhadra month and continues till the new moon date of Ashwin month. In these 15-16 days our ancestors i.e. our ancestors come to earth. And give us his blessings. During this time, we get a chance to serve our ancestors. We should perform the Shraddha of our ancestors with full devotion. In the year 2023, Pitru Paksha will start from 29 september 2023 and continue till 14 october 2023. During this time we should take special care of these things. It is believed that we should not anger these people at all during Pitru Paksha, otherwise our ancestors get angry due to this.

Don't Disrespect These people During Pitru Paksha

Respect elders- We should never disrespect our elders during Pitru Paksha. It is believed that our ancestors came to our house during Pitru Paksha. One should not speak harsh words to anyone.

Do not scold children

 During Pitru Paksha, we should not scold, hit children, or insult women in our house. Our ancestors may get angry due to this. The time of Shraddha is very sacred. During this time the ancestors hope for salvation and peace from us. So we should not displease our ancestors.

Respect your father

You should take special care of taking care of your father. Because the father does not suffer at all in the Pitru Paksha, this also makes the ancestors angry.

Do not let the guest go hungry 

 During Shraddha Paksha, never send a hungry or thirsty person empty-handed to anyone who comes to your door. Don't send anyone back hungry at this time. Be respectful to the guests. The ancestors are very happy with this and give blessings.

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