Samantha Ruth Prabhu has seemingly shut down rumours of patch up with naga Chaitanya. On Sunday, naga chaitanya sparked rumours of patch up when he shared a picture with Hash, a French Bulldog that he and samantha welcomed when they were still married. The photo had fans believing that the actors have patched up. However, samantha appeared to put an end to reconciliation rumours with her latest photos. samantha shared photo from her trip to dubai and through the pictures, she seemingly revealed that she has removed tattoo of naga Chaitanya’s name.
For the unversed, samantha Ruth Prabhu had inked Chaitanya’s nickname, Chay, on her rib when they were still together. samantha also had two more tattoos inked on her that were dedicated to Chaitanya. The tattoo was visibly until april this year, when samantha attended the london premiere of priyanka Chopra’s Citadel. However, the new photos do not feature the tattoo anymore, thus hinting that the patch up rumors are false.
Samantha and naga chaitanya got married in goa in 2017, following Hindu and Christian traditions. In 2021, they announced their separation. Earlier this year, chaitanya confirmed that the divorce came through last year and they have been legally single for over a year now. He also said that he and samantha have moved on since the split.