Two veteran bollywood actresses sridevi and jai Prada have contributed a lot to hindi cinema. Both of them

have shown their brilliant acting in many hit films in their film career. Both were included in the list of top

actresses of that time. sridevi and Jaya Prada have also worked together in many films. But even after working

together in many films, they did not like each other. Let us know a famous story of these two actresses...

Famous story of sridevi and Jaya Prada

Shri Devi is no longer in this world. But he has done such films in his film career, due to which he is still alive

in the hearts of people. At the same time, Jaya Prada has also made her place in everyone's hearts with her

brilliant acting. But they never got along well. If media reports are to be believed, most of the people in the

industry were aware of the cold war between these two actresses. Meanwhile, both of them got a chance to

work together again in the film Makkal. Jitendra and rajesh khanna were with him in this film. Both of them

also knew about the fight between sridevi and Jaya.

Jaya and sridevi did not like each other with tears in their eyes

Now these two actors locked Jaya and sridevi together in the make-up room one day so that maybe they could

talk. But after two and a half hours, when the door of the make-up room was opened, everyone was stunned by

the sight that was seen.

Jaya Prada regretted this after Sridevi's death

When the door was opened, Jaya and sridevi were sitting with their backs towards each other. That is, despite

spending so much time with each other, both of them did not talk to each other. Everyone was surprised to see

this. However, after Sridevi's demise in 2018, Jaya Prada regretted that she wished she had patched up with


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