Manushi Chhillar, crowned Miss World in 2017 and known for her bollywood debut opposite akshay kumar in Samrat Prithviraj, was dating Zerodha founder Nikhil Kamath since 2021. But, looks like the duo has now broken off and Kamath has found love in Rhea Chakraborty. Rumor mills are abuzz that the duo is seeing each other. Rhea was recently spotted arriving at a party with her rumored beau. She sat in the rear seat of the car, while Nikhil took the passenger seat. Rhea and Nikhil were seen twinning in black. While Rhea opted for an LBD, Nikhil was dapper in casuals.
Manushi and Nikhil reportedly began dating in 2021, and while they’ve kept their relationship private, they’ve been seen traveling together. They were spotted visiting rishikesh and also at the Lusail Stadium in qatar during the FIFA World Cup. Back around the same time, it was rumoured that rhea chakraborty had found love again, two and a half years after sushant singh rajput passed away. The actress, who was subjected to public trials following SSR’s death in june 2020, was reportedly dating seema Sajdeh’s brother Bunty Sajdeh.
With a net worth over Rs 9000 crore, Nikhil Kamath is one of India’s youngest billionaires. He tied the knot with Amanda Puravankara in 2019, but their marriage encountered challenges.